Our Service Terms and Conditions

What’s covered in these terms and Conditions

  • It’s important to establish what you can expect from us as you use our services for business, and what we expect from you. These Terms and Conditions reflect the way our business works, the laws that apply to our company, and certain things we’ve always believed to be true. As a result, these Terms and conditions help define our relationship with you as you interact with our services for business. So spare a moment to go through this so that you can understand what our conditions are and how you can deal with it.
  • Firstly, We will provide you the application of (name of your application) as a web application. It shall be an onetime payment application and there shall be no renewal cost for the application and also no refund is applicable.
  • Secondly, You have to use our server (hosting) to host your said application as you will not get access to the source code or server. We shall not provide you the source code as of our business terms. But in case you are interested to buy an application with source codes then you have to pay our Company six(6) times more payment than that you were suppposed to pay for an application without source code.
  • Thirdly, its you who shall bear the cost of Hosting support. Also in future, if a situation arrives where you need to upgrade your application, then the cost of hosting support shall change at a reasonable price as per the market value.
  • Fourthly, We shall have to investigate, examine, analyze and/or explore for collecting data, informations and other requirements from your current system that is, your business process or plans in order to build up a well groomed application. You have to co-operate with us to let us know about your current system or business process. Provided that we shall be bound to keep and maintain your secrecy and privacy regarding your business process or systems.
  • Fifthly, Development time is contingent upon receipt of all necessary components for integrating content into our system.
  • Sixthly, After the development of any modules, any change or add or alteration or removal of any design or any structure or any feature shall apply charges.
  • Seventhly, support shall start to count from the first installation of software in your hosting server. First one month of support shall be free of charge. As support, we mean only take care of existing things which are already developed and solving issues, unwanted results, wrong entry or actions, change images or text, training, etc. Support does not mean or include to create, add, or develop a new facility, module, or design. The support charge should be paid every trimonthly and it shall be payable within the first week of the first month as in advance. If you need to change, alter, add, or remove anything in the application software or increase any portion or do any further development you have to enter into a fresh contract again, but for that specific portion only.
  • Eighthly, Our project deal shall be applicable to the above-included tasks and the accepted timeline. Any change of tasks or increment of tasks should be negotiated and for that the cost and time frame should also be adjusted as per the terms negotiated.
  • Ninthly, We shall use our company name in the application as a developer company. You shall not copy, modify, distribute, sell, or lease any part of our services or software. Also, you shall not reverse engineer or attempt to extract any of our source code unless you have our written permission or applicable law lets you do so.
  • Finally, if there happens to be a disagreement or any dispute arises than the matter(s) shall be negotiated between you and us according to the applicable law(s).

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